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Quartz or Granite Countertop. Which one to choose?

When deciding on countertops, durability, price, appearance and eco-friendliness are some of the factors you should consider before your purchase

We're going to present the facts for both sides and let you be the judge. We're focusing on 4 areas that homeowners usually consider (or should consider) when deciding on countertops; Durability, Price, Appearance and Eco-Friendliness. 



Since Quartz is a man made material created from about 90% quartz and 10% artificial resins and color pigments, it has the same strength as natural stone but it is not as porous as other all natural materials. This means that it is stronger than Granite. The fact that it isn't as porous as granite also means that it is easier to clean and thus easier to keep your countertops bacteria free.  


Granite is a material created from the slow crystallization of magma. It is heat resistant unlike Quartz which can be damaged from the heat of hot pans and pots. On the other hand, unlike Quartz, granite is very porous and therefore more likely to stain from spilled liquids that are left too long. Both types of materials can be damaged from hard blows to the surface. 



As mentioned above, Granite is a nature made material. The process of its creation allows for the colors of granite to range in various shades, hues, and patterns. You can usually find subtle shades as well as eye catching patterns since the variety ranges so much. 


Quartz countertops color variation is even larger than granite because it is man made. Color pigments can be added during the manufacturing process so basically quartz countertops can come in almost any color you can think of. It really just depends on your style preference. 



According to Home Advisor "You can purchase slab granite countertops for $40 to $60 per square foot . . .On average, homeowners spend $2,000 to $4,500 on installation and materials to install a granite countertop." 


Home Advisor also provides detailed pricing information for quartz countertops. Quartz countertops cost about $125 per square foot. The typical price range for countertop installation is between $1000 and $5000. 



Countertops made from granite "produce fewer carbon emissions during production. . ." according to Additionally granite can be sourced domestically to cut on transportation too, which will prevent unnecessary pollution resulting from international shipments.


Similarly, quartz countertops can be eco-friendly by choosing stone that is manufactured and fabricated locally. Quartz is created from the "recycling" of crushed quartz, pigment and resin. This adds to it's eco-friendly characteristics.  

The Decision

Which one will you choose? Both have advantages that depend on the persons likes and style. Both materials provide environmentally friendly benefits and both range in price.

Hopefully this countertop installation cost guide will help you come a little closer to your decision in choosing you countertop material.

But remember, which ever you choose, HIMG's DIY Surface Repair Kits will work on either if you ever happen to accidentally damage your counter. 



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